

Aldi debit card fraud

Posted by Fraser Trevor Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Aldi debit card fraud: "After 24-Hour News 8 exclusively broke the news of debit card fraud at Aldi, victims across the country are coming forward telling us hundreds of dollars have been stolen from their checking accounts after shopping at the grocery store chain.
We've learned that after you discover the theft, you may have to jump through some serious hoops to get your money back. Prevention is key.
Days after Tara Brunswick, a wife and mother of two, shopped at Aldi, she got an unpleasant surprise.

“I actually got online to check my balance and noticed that I had $119 on my account and it had been emptied,' Brunswick said.

Aldi executives admit thieves accessed some of the store's debit card terminals. So when Brunswick swiped her card and punched in her pin, thieves had the numbers needed to steal $1,000 from her."

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