Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story and Misfits | Television & radio | The Guardian
Last night's TV: Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story and Misfits Television & radio The Guardian: "It is probably fair to say that Martin Durkin, the maker of last night's documentary Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story (Channel 4), and the Guardian are not natural bedfellows. In 1997, his programme Against Nature claimed that environmentalism is a pseudo-science hell-bent on infringing our personal freedoms and wantonly truncating our economic growth. (It received 151 complaints, four upheld on the grounds that Durkin misled contributors about the nature of the programme.) Three years later, Modifed Truth: The Rise and Fall of GM argued that genetic modification is good, and those who seek to oppose it bad. Most famously, in 2007 The Great Global Warming Swindle set out to expose the political pressures that have prevented climate-change sceptics from being heard.
Hmm . . . you might very well say in your polite, liberal way. Hmm."